sitemap and a robot-txt file to archive Blogger

Add robots. txt file in Blogger

In the digital landscape, maintaining an organized website is crucial for effective indexing by search engines and ensuring smooth user navigation. For bloggers utilizing platforms like Blogger, optimizing site structure involves employing tools like sitemaps and robots.txt files. These elements play a vital role in enhancing visibility, accessibility, and overall user experience. Let's delve into the significance of sitemaps and robots.txt files in archiving a Blogger website.

sitemap and a robot-txt



Optimized Custom robots.txt for Blogger to boost Blog SEO

Each and every search engine crawling bot first communicates with the robots.txt file and its crawling guidelines on a website. 

This indicates that a Blogger blog's search engine optimization (SEO) heavily depends on the robots.txt file. This post will show you how to make a custom robots.txt file for Blogger that is optimized and explain the meaning behind blacklisted pages that Google Search Console reports.

Understanding Sitemap and Robots.txt Files for Efficient Blogger Site Archiving

Sitemaps: Guiding Search Engine Crawlers

A sitemap serves as a roadmap for search engine crawlers, providing them with a comprehensive list of URLs within a website. It acts as a guide for search engines to understand the structure and hierarchy of web content, facilitating efficient indexing. In the context of Blogger, generating a sitemap is a straightforward process, thanks to the platform's built-in functionality.

Upon creating a Blogger site, an XML sitemap is automatically generated, typically located at "[yourblogname]". This file contains a list of URLs for blog posts, pages, and other relevant content. Regularly updating the sitemap ensures that search engines promptly discover new content and reflect any changes made to the site's structure.

To maximize the effectiveness of your sitemap on Blogger:

  1. Verify Sitemap Submission: After creating or updating your sitemap, it's advisable to submit it to search engines like Google via their respective webmaster tools. This step ensures that search engine crawlers promptly recognize and index your content.
  2. Include Priority and Last Modification Dates: While Blogger's default sitemap includes basic URL information, enhancing it with priority and last modification date tags can further assist search engines in prioritizing and understanding the freshness of your content.
  3. Monitor Indexing Status: Regularly monitor the indexing status of your website through search engine console tools. This allows you to identify any potential crawling or indexing issues promptly.

Robots.txt: Controlling Crawler Access

In conjunction with sitemaps, robots.txt files play a crucial role in guiding search engine crawlers' behavior on a website. A robots.txt file serves as a set of instructions for web crawlers, specifying which pages or directories they should or shouldn't access. For Blogger users, leveraging robots.txt effectively can help manage crawling activities and protect sensitive content.

Creating a robots.txt file for your Blogger site involves the following steps:

  1. Accessing the Blogger Dashboard: Log in to your Blogger account and navigate to the Settings section of your blog.
  2. Customizing Robots.txt: Within the Settings tab, locate the "Search preferences" option and select "Custom robots.txt". Here, you can input directives to control crawler behavior.
  3. Defining Allow and Disallow Directives: Use the "allow" and "disallow" directives to specify which areas of your site should be crawled or excluded by search engines. For instance, you might disallow indexing of certain archive pages or administrative sections to prevent duplicate content issues.
  4. Testing and Validating: After customizing your robots.txt file, it's essential to test its functionality using tools like Google's Robots Testing Tool. This ensures that your directives are correctly interpreted by search engine crawlers.

The robots.txt file instructs the search engine on which pages to crawl and which ones not to. This gives us the ability to regulate how search engine bots operate. We specify user-agent, allow, disallow, and sitemap functionality for search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yandex in the robots.txt file.

  1. Go to your blog's settings.
  2. Go a little way down the page.
  3. Options to customize the archive parameters, such as the robots.txt file, are available.
  4. Turn on the feature.
  5. then select the robots.txt file to add.
  6. Replace your blog's URL with this file's copy, then save it.

Robots meta tags are typically used to either index or noindex web pages and blog entries. In addition, robots.txt is used to manage search engine bots. You can let the entire website crawl, but doing so will use up all of the website's crawling budget. You must disable the website's search, archive, and label areas in order to reduce the amount of money used for website crawling.

sitemap and a robot txt file

The Blogger blog allows you to publish articles and profit from them later, and most important of all is to archive your articles in the blog so that they appear in search engines and for the largest number of readers to see them.
Among the steps that must be taken to archive articles is adding a sitemap file and a robot txt file to the blog so that the articles appear in search engines.

The first step :

First we must go to Google and then search for the Google webmasters site Or google search console,
After entering the site, we will click on log in, and the email with which you will register must be the same as the email for the blog.
Before continuing, we must go to the blog and take the blog’s URL and copy the link because we will use it in the next steps. To get the URL, we go to the Blogger blog and click on the three lines at the top.

After that, this page opens for us:

sitemap  robot txt file

How to add a sitemap file and a robot txt file to a Blogger blog in order to archive articles and appear in the search engine
We click on the last option, which is to display the blog. Then the blog page will open and we copy the URL from the top, which begins with htttps and ends with com.

After we get the url. We will move again to the webmasters website, or what is called Google Search Console, and after we log in from the same email for the blog, this page will open for us.
We will choose the url prefix and we will put the blog’s URL that we obtained previously, and then we will click on Continue.

 The site will be verified immediately and a message will appear that the ownership of the site has been verified. We will click Done and then we will click on the arrow on the right where we will choose the link to our site and it will open. This page is before us

The second step :

We will take the file in the foreign language and copy it into the sitemap and robot txt files to add it to the blog.

Required files:

  • User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: /
  • User-agent: *
  • Disallow: /
  • Allow: /Sitemap:

feeds/posts/default atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=1&max-results=500 atom.xml

After we download the files, we will start installing the robot file first. To do this:

We go to the blog, we choose the three lines at the top, then we choose settings, then we choose crawling and indexing programs, and we choose a custom robot file. We will place the first file like the one in the image and change the url name, where the url name of your blog should be placed.

Then we move to the archive and search page tabs. We also choose all and noodp and click Save
Then go to the post and page tags, select all and noodp, and click Save
Step three: Add a sitemap file

  1. First we will go to Google search console
  2. We will click on the three lines at the top and then choose the sitemap
  3. We will add each line separately and then click Submit
  4. That is, we add sitemap.xml and then send
  5. After that, we choose atom.xml and then send
  6. We continue in this way until we enter the five files

Thus, we have learned how to add a robot txt file and a sitemap file to a Blogger blog
We hope that the topic has benefited everyone


incorporating sitemaps and robots.txt files into your Blogger website's archiving strategy is paramount for enhancing search engine visibility and controlling crawler behavior. By leveraging these tools effectively, you can streamline the indexing process, improve user accessibility, and maintain the integrity of your online content repository. Stay proactive in monitoring and optimizing these elements to ensure the continued success and relevance of your Blogger site in the digital landscape.
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