How to Get Your Blog (BLOGGER) on Google News

How can blogger sites add Google News?


Google News serves as a vital platform for users worldwide to discover timely and relevant news articles from various sources. As a blogger or content creator, having your blog featured on Google News can significantly enhance your visibility and reach a broader audience. In this guide, we'll explore the steps to get your blog on Google News, enabling you to leverage this powerful platform for increased exposure and credibility.

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Understanding Google News: Google News aggregates news articles and content from various sources, delivering personalized news updates to users based on their interests and preferences. 

Getting your blog listed on Google News not only increases your visibility but also establishes credibility as a reliable source of information in your niche.

1- Publish high-quality, original content:

Only websites with exceptional, unique material that complies with Google News' editorial standards are accepted. Ensure that your blog entries are interesting, well-written, and pertinent to your intended readership.

2- Apply for inclusion:

Apply here to have your website featured in Google News by completing the form. Give details about your website, such as its name, URL, and the kinds of content you release.

3- Meet the Google News Publisher Guidelines:

Sites that wish to be approved by Google News must go by a set of publisher rules. Verify that your website complies with these rules, which cover things like journalistic standards, accuracy, and transparency.

4- Optimize your site for search engines:

Ensure that your website is search engine optimized by utilizing meta tags, descriptions, and pertinent keywords. This will improve the visibility of your website and help it rank higher in search results.

5- Monitor your site's performance:

Use the Publisher Center to monitor your site's performance in Google News. With this application, you may monitor clicks, impressions, and other metrics related to the performance of your website.

6- Follow the rules:

Make sure you abide by Google News's policies and guidelines after your website has been approved. This covers guidelines for advertising, editorial standards, and the caliber of the content.

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  6. google news publisher center
  7. google sites news feed
  8. how to get news for my blog

Blogger sites can reach a larger audience and improve their chances of being accepted into Google News by following these steps. It's crucial to keep in mind that meeting Google News' requirements can take time and effort, and acceptance is not a given.

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How to submit a blogger website to Google News

Steps to Get Your Blog on Google News:

Meet Google News Publisher Guidelines:Ensure that your blog complies with Google News Publisher Guidelines, which outline the quality standards and criteria for inclusion.
Your content should provide original, timely, and relevant news coverage, free from plagiarism or misleading information.

1-Publish High-Quality Content:

Consistently publish high-quality, informative, and engaging content on your blog.
Focus on delivering unique perspectives, in-depth analysis, and breaking news stories to attract readers and stand out in your niche.

2-Optimize for SEO:

Implement search engine optimization (SEO) best practices to improve the visibility of your blog in search engine results.
Use relevant keywords, optimize meta tags and descriptions, and create compelling headlines to increase your blog's organic search traffic.

3-Establish Authoritative Backlinks:

Build a strong network of authoritative backlinks from reputable websites and news sources within your industry.
Collaborate with influencers, journalists, and other bloggers to earn backlinks to your blog, enhancing its credibility and authority.

4-Submit Your Blog for Inclusion:

Once your blog meets the eligibility criteria and complies with Google News Publisher Guidelines, submit it for inclusion in Google News.
Visit the Google News Publisher Center and follow the instructions to submit your blog for review by the Google News team.

5-Monitor Performance and Engagement:

Track the performance of your blog on Google News using tools like Google Analytics.
Monitor metrics such as traffic, engagement, and reader feedback to assess the effectiveness of your content and identify areas for improvement.


Getting your blog featured on Google News requires dedication, consistency, and adherence to quality standards. By following the steps outlined in this guide and focusing on delivering high-quality, relevant content, you can increase your chances of getting your blog listed on Google News and reaching a broader audience with your content. Remember to continuously monitor and optimize your blog for maximum visibility and engagement on this influential platform.
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